Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blessed: Living Now And Forever

Day Twenty-Five:

1 Thessalonians 5:10
All bouquets lose their freshness eventually. Everything suffers from the passing of time on earth. God has the power to give everlasting life. Jesus came to earth to open the door to everlasting life. God allows you to see past today, to see the glory of life with God. True beauty comes from God.
What are the blessings in your bouquet? In mine God has blessed me with honesty, love, supportive friendships, tests, uniqueness, joy and family, and many more things.
Psalm 139:13-16
Psalm 111:1
Psalm 116:1-2

This is the last of this devotional, so there may be a break in a few days as I look for another devotional to do. Thanks for tuning in to this one. Hope it affected you as much as it affected me!! Again, this devotional was out of the book "Bouquet of Blessings Devotions to Delight Your Soul."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blessed: Forgiving and Being Forgiven

Day Twenty-Four:

Luke 6:37
A rose means "I love you," a rose with thorns means "I am angry with you." Meeting people is like handing out roses based on our feelings and actions toward that person.
Fragrances attract people. Fragrances can be found in friends with gentleness and peace and a genuine love for others. This is the person we are called to be.
Thorns repel people. Thorns can be people who are ill tempered, critical, and not willing to forgive. These open doors to suns that are meant to pull people apart, such as grudges.
God brings peace of forgiveness to our prickly lives. Forgive those who have hurt us in the past because God has forgiven you.

Blessed: Giving--and Receiving

Day Twenty-Three:

1 Peter 4:10
There are many "do not touch" women. These are ones who are high energy and vibrancy, and is a phenomenal giver. But, these women are uncomfortable receiving anything and doesn't ask for help. I am a "do not touch" woman. By being one, I am experiencing LESS than the FULL sum of God's blessings. I need to delight in gifts of others.
Thank God for the bouquet of blessings he has given others. Trust others to bless you and accept help from others. God's Holy Spirit works through me and the Holy Spirit works through the lives and hearts of others for me.

Whoa. Crazy how God works on certain things at certain times and continuously brings them up. Last week I made a goal for this month. To accept compliments and gifts from others. Tonight I was talking about this with a group of friends and just how I am working on changing that. Wow, this just hit me hard. This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear, this is EXACTLY what I am going through and what I need to do. It's times like this that makes me LOVE God even more!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blessed: Standing Firm

Day Twenty-Two:

Matthew 25:23
The bouquet of blessings God has given us needs special placement. It can't be put on a low, rickety table of worldly values where the blossoms will be mangled by society. It can't be placed where your confidence rests on your feelings. It can't be self-focused. The bouquet needs to be placed on a high, sturdy and safe shelf. This can be placed there by being lifted by Jesus' love, care and forgiveness. By being in the Word daily, God gives us confidence and love to make using our gifts for others possible.
Matthew 25:23 Is the gift when our faith begins to continuously grow daily.

Blessed: Living in Light

Day Twenty-one:

Jeremiah 18:3-6
Ephesians 2:10
1 Corinthians 10:31
Matthew 25:29
We typically stash away our blessings that God has given us. We don't tend to share them with others. We put them in the corner/ cupboard and hide them. False humility tells us to play down our talents and skills. Doubt creates fear and timidity. Ingratitude leads us to believe that God has not given us any gifts and talents. We rarely share our blessings with others. God helps us overcome fear and reach out in productive ways. By sharing your blessings with others God will give you even more blessings to share.

Wow. Sometimes these blessings have been brought up by other people. The other day I was told that I have amazing faith. I just kind of shrugged it off and played it down because I believe that I don't. So, I am one who hid my blessings. I told the person that I didn't agree with them...This past week I have noticed this alot. I don't receive gifts and compliments well at all...I shrug them off, change the conversation, and don't know how to respond alot of the, my challenge for myself is to catch myself and just say thank you. And maybe even agree with them. Because God has given them the gift to notice those details about people. So, this whole devotional really hit it for me. Where I am today and what I needed to hear.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blessed: Shaped to Support

Day Twenty:

Galatians 6:2
Be a friendship vase and be there for friends in times of need. Today my dog of 12 years old was put to sleep. It was really hard for me. But had friends there for me. I had friends who willingly came and sat with me and talked about my dog. I had friends who called me when they heard just to see if I was okay. I am so blessed to have found friendship vases all around me and to know that I am not alone.
There is a community of friends who love you and will pray for you. We are filled with God's abundant blessings. God fills us up with love and we fill others up with love through God.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blessed: Shaped to Smile at God

Day Nineteen:

Isaiah 35:1
God speaks of his flowers like they are his children, dearly loved and tenderly cared for. We are his children and his flowers. Plants bloom because God designed them to bloom. Flowers smile at God all day long and thank him. Living a life of praise depends upon God, not our own circumstances.
Isaiah 35:1-2